SALALS Seed funding for linguistics events
Call for proposals for events to be hosted during 2019
First Deadline: 1 March 2019
If no feasible applications are received by the deadline then proposals can be submitted at any time other during the year and awards will be made on a case-by-case basis.
Section 2 and Section 8 of the SALALS constitution commits the society to the promotion of the linguistic disciplines. The aims are of the society are, among others to:
promote and coordinate the research, study and teaching, in Southern Africa, of Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, and Applied Language Studies; to champion, promote and sustain the intellectual health of the specific sub discipline and thereby to ensure that the Society retains an active membership within the three main focus areas; To promote teaching, research and community engagement in the sub disciplinary focus area that is original, that is of high quality, that is theoretically relevant and engaged; 8.4.3 To ensure that the sub disciplinary focus area is well represented at conferences, in curricula, in funding initiatives, language boards, research agendas, government policy etc; To organize, from time to time, academic events (such as workshops, colloquia, panels, parallel sessions, training etc.) either in conjunction with the annual conference or additional to it.
We believe it is increasingly important that the societies take a bigger role in shaping these joint conferences and thereby, take a proactive stance in supporting the linguistic disciplines in Southern Africa. In an attempt to deepen the commitment of SALALS to promoting linguistics, SALALS, through its Linguistics Convener, provides financial seed funding to selected linguistics workshops and symposia. SALALS hopes to increase this funding over time.
- SALALS undertakes to provide seed funding, promote the event on its mailing list, publish calls etc. and to assist in any other way possible;
- The organizers undertake to promote SALALS society membership in return.
Finance and reporting
SALALS undertakes to provide the sum of R10 000 as seed funding to the organizers for the purpose of promoting linguistics and facilitating and furthering the participation of SALALS society members in the conference/workshop/symposium. The amount will be transferred to the bank account of the institution or entity hosting/organizing the event. Finances will not be transferred to a personal account of an individual.
There is no requirement that the seed funding be repaid to SALALS.
On completion of the event, a short report must be submitted to SALALS within three months of the end of the event. The report must include a full financial statement of the use to which the funds have been put and may include any other information that the organizers feel necessary. There is no limit to the length of the report, but 1-2 pages will be sufficient. This report will also be submitted by SALALS committee to the following AGM.
Applicants do not need to be SALALS members but society membership will be seen as an advantage.
Procedure for application
Proposals must be emailed to the Linguistics Convener of SALALS, Dr Johanita Kirsten (
With the following words in the title “SALALS SEED FUNDING PROPOSAL” by 5pm on the due date. The aim is not to provide a long proposal, but merely an indication that the organizers have put some thought into their plans and that they are, in principle, feasible. There is no limit on the length of the proposal but 2-3 pages should be sufficient.
The proposal should include at least:
- the title of the event,
- name of the organizers and organizing institution;
- whether the applicants are paid-up SALALS members for the coming year.
- letter of support from the institution/dean etc.
- dates;
- details of the scope and linguistic content of the event with special care taken to demonstrate that the event promotes the study of linguistics.
- how the money will be spent in the service of facilitating and furthering the participation of SALALS society members in the event.
Evaluation of the proposals may take into consideration the extent to which the proposal:
- promotes SALALS society membership
- promotes and facilitates participation by SALALS society members
- is theoretically grounded in linguistics
- promotes transformation of the discipline.
In the absence of any proposals by the call deadline, any subsequent proposal for an event in the coming year can be entertained by SALALS committee.
Promoting and facilitating participation of SALALS members in the event.
The aim of this section is to encourage participation by SALALS members in the event and to provide some benefit to SALALS members for doing so. Although SALALS members should be encouraged to participate in the event, participation in the event should not be limited to SALALS or members of any other society. SALALS encourages the organizers to negotiate the details and/or to specify their preferences in the proposal.
- SALALS undertakes to include it as an “event” on SALALS facebook page/website and to advertise it in our newsletter as well as undertaking to place an advertisement on the LinguistList.
- SALALS undertakes to consider proposals from the organizers to publish selected papers from the event as a special edition of SALALS. This undertaking is subject to the usual editorial policies of the journal. Events which are not held under the auspices of SALALS or SAALA will not be given priority.
- SALALS should be acknowledged on the conference programme, the website and on promotional material. The exact nature and extent of the acknowledgement can be negotiated: there is no intention to interfere with the branding of the event.
- SALALS members receive some advantage from the event. Suggestions of examples of what might constitute this are:
- a discount on registration fees for society members. It is suggested that the discount be R700 or more. This would have the advantage of encouraging participants to consider joining SALALS and which will thereby increase subscriptions to SALALS. Please note that it is already policy of the joint societies (SALALS/SAALT) that such a discount be operative for the joint annual conference. AGMs of the societies have stated that non-members must pay a surcharge in order to promote membership of the societies and to support the journal.
- The registration fee could include a subscription to SALALS. Since society members already have subscribed, this would be a de-facto discount for society members.
- Subsidizing travel or accommodation costs of SALALS members who do not have travel funding from their institutions. This option should be done in a transparent and non-discriminatory way which should be spelled out in the proposal.
- Subsidizing travel or accommodation costs of students who do not have travel funding from their institutions.
- any other proposal motivated in the proposal.