To join the Southern African Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Society (SALALS) please fill in the following form, following the steps below:
Click here for the Membership form
Step 1: For standard membership, please send an electronic payment to the SALALS bank account. Keep the proof of payment as you will need to upload it on the membership form. If you require an invoice, then please contact the membership Secretary, Ms Nina Brink ( You will need to provide a billing address for the invoice.
Step 2: After you have done your EFT and kept the proof of payment, complete the membership form to join the Southern African Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Society.
You will receive a confirmation letter within a few days.
We offer the following membership options:
Students with no copy of SALALS and no conference discount: FREE
Students + hard copy SALALS + conference discount: R275 (does not apply to students with tenured, faculty jobs)
South Africa membership + hard copy SALALS + conference discount: R880
Rest of Africa membership + hard copy SALALS + conference discount: R385
Outside Africa membership + hard copy SALALS + conference discount: R880 (excluding payment/transfer costs)
Account details
Please note that SALALS has changed banks. Please use the updated banking details below.
Name of Account: SALALS
Bank: Absa
Branch code: 632005
Account number: 9393244087
International members are also able to pay via credit card. Please select a membership fee option here and add it to your cart: