1st Call for papers – SALALS virtual conference 2021

1st call for papers
SALALS virtual conference 2021
21-23 September, 2021
The annual conference of the Southern African Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Society (SALALS), with participation by the South African Association of Language Teachers (SAALT), will be hosted in 2021 by the Department of General Linguistics at Stellenbosch University with support from the South African Centre for Digital Language Resources (SADiLaR).
The Department of General Linguistics is honoured to be the host organiser this year as it is the 50+ anniversary celebration of the founding of the department – the Department opened its doors in 1970 and has overseen the linguistic education of many undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as producing innovative research over the last 50 years.
The conference will be held online. Come and join us virtually for three days of stimulating debate and discussion – abstracts are invited for papers in all areas of general linguistics, applied linguistics and language practice.
The deadline for submission of abstracts for posters or talks at the 2021 SALALS virtual conference is 24 May, 2021, with notification of acceptance in the week of 28 June, 2021.
The aim, first and foremost, is to make the 2021 conference as accessible and multilingual as possible. In order to do this, the conference will take the following format:
Papers and posters will be pre-recorded by presenters and all presentation materials, including slides/posters and videos, will be hosted on the conference’s Open Science Framework page prior to the conference. Papers/posters can be in any of the South African official languages, as well as South African Sign Language (SASL). Pre-recorded presentations in languages other than English will be provided with English closed captions/subtitles, while papers related to sign language linguistics will be interpreted into/from SASL.
In addition to the pre-recorded presentations, the conference will consist of live events via Zoom, including keynote presentations, panel sessions, Q&A sessions for the general session presentations and posters, and social events.
Abstract guidelines:
- Abstract submission deadline is midnight (23:59) South African Standard Time on 24 May, 2021.
- Notification of acceptance will commence week beginning 28 June, 2021.
- All abstracts must be submitted online via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=salals2021
- Abstracts are invited for papers or posters in all areas of general linguistics, applied linguistics and language practice. Please indicate your preference for paper or poster in the keywords field of your abstract submission.
- The length of the abstract must not exceed 500 words, including examples and references.
- Authors who wish to submit more than one abstract should fill out a separate online submission form for each abstract.
- All abstracts will be reviewed, and the final selection will be made by the organising committee.
- No accepted abstract will be included in the programme unless registration has been completed and payment has been received. All accepted presenters must be registered and fully paid by 30 August 2021.
- Abstracts may be submitted in any official language of South Africa. Should you wish to submit an abstract in a language other than English, please accompany your abstract with an English translation.
- It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact will be reproduced as submitted by the author.