SALALS, launched in 2018 as a society for linguists, applied linguists and language practitioners, is broadly dedicated to promoting the disciplines of Linguistics, Applied Linguistics and Language Practice and to fostering research excellence in linguistics and language-related disciplines in the region and for all the languages of Southern Africa. We publish a journal and organize regular conferences, among other things.
Bearing in mind the historical legacies of apartheid and colonialism in Southern Africa, our goals include the promotion of transformation of the Society and its area of focus at least in terms of research, curriculum, practice and range of languages covered, in ways which promote equity of participation and access, which strengthen the linguistic disciplines and empower practitioners, researchers, teachers and learners of these disciplines to develop tools to explore the full range of linguistic environments that they find themselves in.
Our Society is a result of the amalgamation of the former LSSA/LVSA (Linguistics Society of Southern Africa) and SAALA (Southern African Applied Linguistics Association).